Project Details

Agency : Lever de Rideau (LDR)

Year : 2020

Genre : Digital Event

Duration : 4 days

Set : Green Screen Studio

Agency brief :

Heineken asked LDR to organize the presentation of its annual results for 2020 and its strategy for the year 2021. LDR directs Heineken to organize a bold and relevant digital event in partnership with Studio 51.

LDR and Studio 51 are organizing Heineken’s internal communication campaign around a digital event in augmented reality and live streaming.

Between technical advice, scenic orientations, creation of virtual sets and all content, technical team and preparation of the production management; 3 weeks of preparation were necessary for the production and the realization of 4 days of live streaming.

  • Preparation : 1 day at the studio and 3 weeks before shooting
  • Filming day(s) : 3
  • People involved : 15
  • People involved at the same time : 4
  • Number of duplexes : 6 / day
  • Technical team : 15 technicians
  • Number of virtual sets : 8
  • Creation of sets : Romain Sosso (Explore)
  • Live streams / day : 2 | Duration of live steams : 3H30
  • Online target : 800 / day

Virtual decor n°1

Virtual decor n°2


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Studio 51

51 bis, rue Raymond Lefebvre
94250 Gentilly, France
Pte Gentilly lmt Paris 14ème

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56, rue Raymond Lefebvre

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Accès A6, 300m

Public transport

RER B Gentilly, 70m
Tramway (T3) Stade Charlety, 400m
Bus 57, V5 et 125


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